Prior to joining DePasquale, Kelley & Company, Mr. Herold was completing his undergraduate program at California State University of Long Beach, and concurrently worked in sales and construction. He gained valuable insights to various markets ultimately coupling such experience with his internship at DePasquale, Kelley & Company.
Hired full-time post graduation, Mr. Herold focused on strengthening his valuation skills completing continuing education through IPT and ongoing coursework through the Appraisal Institute. He is responsible for assisting Mr. Bral and Mr. Kelley with valuation, compliance and other issues that impact the taxation of real property.
As an associate consultant, Mr. Herold prepares analyses for assessment appeals, reviews and processes compliance requirements for new construction, personal property and change in ownership issues, and interfaces with various levels of county assessor departments.
Mr. Herold also assists with our technology platform.
Real property valuations, new construction audits, and direct assessment audit issues.
California State University of Long Beach
Bachelor of Consumer Affairs, 2013